Monday, January 16, 2012

What Makes You Think We Read the Bills

What Makes You Think We Read the Bills Review

Have you ever wondered what really happens when your elected representatives get together to: spend your money; write laws making some things illegal, others illegal; and, try to "satisfy" all the lobbyists at the same time? You can stop wondering. Bill Richardson has let the cat out of the bag. You'll be both amused and outraged at his tales of the day to day shenanigans in your state and national capitols. Does your legislator suddenly stop being your representative? He's just suffered Peer-Group Shift (see Chapter 12). Does The Majority Elect? (answer in Chapter 18). Have you heard gossip about Sexy Solons? (read Chapter 21). There are wildly funny chapters -- Ze Mooz (4) Burros and the Pill (9), Gangrene and the Board of Education (16) -- as well as plenty of straight talk about how and why our legislators are no longer ours. Throughout GOA founder and retired State Senator Richardson's breezy text is the underlying theme that "this can't go on much longer, enough is enough!" He offers many thoughtful reflections on why our legislatures have gone off the tracks, and scores of helpful suggestions how to put things right. By the time you reach Chapter 15 -- A Full-Time Legislature -- Yuk! -- you'll agree.

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